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Nutrient Agar, 2 Kilograms

Price£ 292.75
You Save£ 87.25
  • SKU: N14100-2000.0
  • Pack Size: 2 KG
Nutrient Agar, 2 Kilograms

Water with Heat

Room Temperature

For cultivating a variety of non-fastidious organisms. Dissolve 23g in one liter distilled water. Heat solution to boiling with continuous stirring for one minute. Sterilize by autoclaving at 121°:C for 15 minutes. Mix medium with gentle agitation to avoid bubbles prior to pouring plates. Store at room temperature.

2.1 kg

12.40 x 26.00 x 12.40

Product usually ships within 24 hours.
Research or further manufacturing use only, not for food or drug use.

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